A really cool blog

I went on this blog and I deicided to write about it, her name is Rachel. I love her blog because It has lots of information and lots of pictures and I love her background, every one come check out her great blog at


P.S I bet you’ll like it!.

Q and A

1. What makes a great post?
A great post will grab the persons attenyion and make the person read it, it has to have lots of information , that is what makes a great post!!!!!

2.when you are out visiting blogs, what stops you and grabs your attention?
when I look at a blog the thing that grabs my attention is a post filled with information that I want to learn about.

3.How do you find great posts on a blog?
I look through the blog and I look at the posts with lots of information, and then I have a look at them.

My families recipies that have been passed down my family.

All of the recipies that you see have been passed down my family for a long time.

1. pilaugh– a kind of rice with vegtables, very good.

2.cnichel– a fried chicken.

3. little cookies- a little cookie that have been passed down my great, great, great grandparents, made of strawberry jam and icing, it is very hard to make.

4. sarmaliea roll with meat inside and spinach out side.

5. – it is a yummy food made from pickles and eggs, it is only served on Easter.


Human rights!!




        Every one has a right to be living in a house, not on the streets.

        Every child should have an education, not just going to work        when he/she is at the age of 5.

Every one should be able to choose their job, because a girl wanted  to work as a doctor, but she could not just because she is a girl.

Every one needs to have their own privacy, boy or girl.

Every one needs to be in a community where there is clean water and lots of places to live.

when every child goes to school, they should speak their languadge freely, because 40 yrs ago if you speak your own languadge in school, you would get beaten with a strong belt.

Every person, big or small, needs to have human rights!


This entry was posted on October 15, 2013. 1 Comment